How Does Your Garden Grow? There’s something about dirt. Getting one’s hands dirty, pulling weeds, planting something beautiful – it’s therapeutic. Life can be ugly sometimes; a delicate living thing can lift a spirit. In my thinking, flowers are God’s love letter to mankind. They come in all sizes and colors, grow just about anywhere, beautify wherever they’re planted – what a blessing! They don’t just bloom for the wise and good. Anyone can enjoy them and be blessed by their beauty. It is good for our mental health to watch the flowers grow. I used to work with an older experienced nurse who told me that was exactly what she did on her days off – sit and watch the flowers grow. Sometimes that is just what we need. A chance to focus on something other than our troubles, responsibilities, and obligations – just watching the flowers grow – forgetting the ugly and focusing on the beautiful. As Jesus said, “... Observe how the lilies of the field grow; they do not toil n...