Truth What is truth? A question that’s asked by everyone sooner or later in life’s journey – maybe not rhetorically, like cynical Pilate, but asked honestly with a desire to know. According to Webster, truth is the body of real things, events and facts – having to do with reality. Capitalized, it is a transcendent fundamental or spiritual reality. To be true, is to have sincerity in action, character and utterance. Some synonyms for truth are veracity, verity, candor, honesty, accuracy, correctness, validity, authenticity, reality, actuality, and fact. I remember during the destruction of my first marriage, when the proverbial chickens came home to roost, how relieved I was to finally know the truth – ugly as it was at the time. It was more welcome to me than the lies I had been told for so long. Truth can be hard, cold, and difficult – but it is always better to know...