Where is the Victory? I usually start a post on this blog with an amusing anecdote about my life and family. There is often something in our experience that we can laugh at – it’s better than crying, right? Sometimes, however, things just aren’t that funny. Sometimes we need to cry. There seems to be many things in life that don’t get fixed, that don’t resolve neatly, that don’t turn out the way we hoped. Sometimes the best advice we’ll get is, “It is what it is; deal with it.” All the same, I have found myself wondering lately - where is the victory? Time and again, it seems we fight the same battles. We fall for the same temptations. We fail repeatedly. As the psalmist seems to lament: As for the days of our life, they contain seventy years, or if due to strength, eighty years, yet their pride is but labor and sorrow; for soon it is gone and we fly away (Psalm 90:10). That verse is reminiscent of Jacob’s response to Pharoah when asked how old he was: The years of my soj...