
Peace Peace is elusive at times. Our current times are not exactly peace promoting! I can confidently state what peace is not. Peace is not unemployment and uncertainty. Peace is not fear that seemingly healthy strangers will make you sick. Peace is not mixed signals from government and irresponsible media. Peace does have a few definitions – it can mean a treaty or truce between warring factions or a personal state of tranquility or quiet. Continuing in Colossians we find these wise words - Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body; and be thankful (3:15). The use of the word “ Let ” to start off this verse seems to tell me that we have control over the carrying out of this verse. It’s something we allow or choose to do. “ Peace of Christ ” is a particular peace. One that only Jesus provides. Through faith in Christ we have peace with God. Having paid the price for our sins and taking upon Himself the wrath of G...