The Good Word

The Good Word Back in the day nursing school was rough. Nursing instructors were rougher. Whatever number our class started with in the fall of 1992, there were a lot less of us by the time we graduated in 1994. After each test we would gather by the nursing office door to see who was still in the program. There was a little stress involved in becoming a Florence Nightingale wannabe. I remember, right before graduating, a fellow student telling me she couldn’t wait to vent her frustration to our instructors over all they put us through. I reminded her that she might want their letters of recommendation before she did so. It does feel good to vent – to release all those pent up feelings, accusations, hurts, frustrations – whatever - at any available culprits or victims – depending on who is receiving the venting. But I wonder does it really help? Words are powerful. Jesus said we would be responsible – have to give an account - for every careless word spoken (Matthew...