
DAD July 2, 1982 dawned clear. I don’t remember if it was a hot day, but I do know it had sunny skies and puffy clouds. I don’t remember any headlines or important events. Ronald Reagan was president, and I had been married about six months. It was the day I found out I was pregnant with my first child, and it was the day I lost my dad. I was at work when the call came. Strange coincidence – I was at work when I got the call that my mom had passed away a little over thirty years later. Work is a constant in life, is it not? In this July, I was a nurse’s assistant working on a medical floor. That particular morning, I was distracted about the idea of becoming a mom. I married my then husband after knowing him a mere three months despite warnings from everyone I knew and misgivings on my part. My pride was stronger than my common sense. It is remarkable the roads we willingly go down in exchange for the path that leads to life. I was called to the nurse’s station to...