Soapy Water I like to keep warm soapy water in the sink that way dirty dishes can soak as they are made, making the dishwasher’s job that much easier. The counters stay clean, and there is a semblance of order in the kitchen. Many things can be made better by a little warm soapy water. My sons don’t see the value of warm soapy water. They prefer mounds of dishes everywhere and escaping before being assigned to clean the kitchen. Somehow, our three bathrooms are filled to capacity whenever the call to KP is announced. Cleaning up a mess is not near as much fun as making one. Raising kids is like doing the dishes. We can wait until problems pile up becoming overwhelming and go hide in the bathroom, or we can apply some warm soapy water and let it soak. Dealing with problems as they arise, keeping the counters clear, is more conducive to peace. Sometimes no matter what you do or not do, someone is going to criticize yo...