A Christmas Medley Rummaging around Lowe’s garden center for the perfect Christmas tree, it began to snow. A starry-eyed optimist might claim to hear, Chestnuts roasting on an open fire… , but I’m pretty sure it was just one of my men passing gas. Jack Frost nipping at your nose …? It was twenty degrees. Yuletide carols being sung by a choir… not my boys. And folks dressed up like Eskimos … the knuckleheads don’t like coats. We get a real tree every year. One year, my husband and offspring actually went and cut one down. It was so cold, wet, and muddy that day – they vowed never to do that again. The last few years our trees have originated from Home Depot or Menards, more recently Lowe’s. We’ve gotten a wide variety of trees – I don’t remember their names. I only know they make me sneeze. One in particular gave me a rash. One had a mouse – that made setting it up very exciting. I’m pretty sure my honey was under the tree when the mouse appeared causing ...