A Luau Devotion or Purpose to Our Pits In keeping with the theme of a Hawaiian Luau, I was asked to present a talk about pits to the lovely ladies at my church. Now they could have asked me to talk about surfing or leis or the hula or poi or volcanoes – but it was pits…I’m not sure if they are trying to tell me something… Now there are all kinds of pits – the Hawaiian one for roasting pigs is called an imu, where the traditional Kalua pig is roasted, but the one we think about when we are talking about our personal pits is the one Webster defines as: Hell, or a place or situation of futility, misery, or degradation . We don’t want to be there, we don’t choose to be there, and we can’t wait to get out of there. My favorite depiction of a pit – is the ‘pit of despair’ from the movie Princess Bride. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mBaDcOBoHFk The albino enjoys telling Wesley that he is in the pit of despair and to not even think of trying to escape. And tha...