
Showing posts from 2019

The Noise from Somewhere in the Basement

The Noise from Somewhere in the Basement There is a strange noise coming from somewhere in the basement.  It is an intermittent roaring of water running somewhere. I’m the only one that can hear this rather consistent noise. The five able-bodied, capable men I live with have never heard it and don’t know what I am talking about. Apparently, despite current cultural trends, there are two genders: females with functioning auditory organs and males without such. In their defense, my two dogs, both female, have not noticed the noise from the basement either.  My older dog, Charlie, a mixed breed shelter special with unusual skills – like snoring while begging, hearing the sound of a knife and cutting board from a block away, and barking at random squirrels she cannot see while lying on her pillow – has not hearkened to the sound coming from somewhere in the basement.  My younger dog, Lucy, a beagle/shepherd mix with high energy, fast speed, and an affinity...


Blessed I got saved in 1979. That same year Bob Dylan released his song “Gotta Serve Somebody” from his gospel album Slow Train Coming. My little enclave of saved friends would listen to that album and be encouraged by its truth. Everybody serves somebody – it’s not what we’re thinking of when we launch in life. It’s not what we imagine when we yearn for independence – when we think about making it on our own. When we struggle with career choices and relationships, we are usually not thinking about serving somebody. We’re thinking of independence – freedom – autonomy. When I was a teen, I used to love to drive – I relished the feeling of going my own way under my own power. Not having to answer to anyone was attractive. But as Bob Dylan sings, You’re gonna have to serve somebody. Well, it may be the Devil or it may be the Lord, but you’re gonna have to serve somebody. In a similar way, David opens Psalm 32 like this: How blessed is he whose transgression is ...
What Does it Profit a Man? I can see the snow gently falling outside the window by my desk. While my sons struggle with graphing inequalities and surface area, I contemplate the grey sky and why January seems so long. All around the world, Christians living under various regimes suffer for their faith. Here in the United States, we are remarkably free and prosperous. Even our poor are prosperous by worldly standards and our persecutions are relatively mild. Given recent news events, it is difficult not to wonder where our country is heading. Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York recently declared it legal in that state to murder babies in their mother’s womb up until birth. The state of New York celebrated by lighting One World Trade Center pink - they should have chosen red. Isaiah 5:20 comes to mind, Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter! What fat...