The Noise from Somewhere in the Basement

The Noise from Somewhere in the Basement There is a strange noise coming from somewhere in the basement. It is an intermittent roaring of water running somewhere. I’m the only one that can hear this rather consistent noise. The five able-bodied, capable men I live with have never heard it and don’t know what I am talking about. Apparently, despite current cultural trends, there are two genders: females with functioning auditory organs and males without such. In their defense, my two dogs, both female, have not noticed the noise from the basement either. My older dog, Charlie, a mixed breed shelter special with unusual skills – like snoring while begging, hearing the sound of a knife and cutting board from a block away, and barking at random squirrels she cannot see while lying on her pillow – has not hearkened to the sound coming from somewhere in the basement. My younger dog, Lucy, a beagle/shepherd mix with high energy, fast speed, and an affinity...