59 59 is the 17 th prime number. It is an Einstein prime with no imaginary part and real part of the form 3n-1… whatever that means! A regular icosahedron has 59 stellations… what? It’s the last minute in a given hour and the last second in a given minute… which sounds rather profound therefore I like it. It’s the approximate number of days in 2 lunar months – not that we use lunar months – it just sounds long. It’s the atomic number of praseodymium – a rare earth metal we rarely talk about… and a word we can likely not say 3 times fast. 59 may also be the title of a future Adele album… And it is too darn many candles to put on a cake without starting a fire. In the last 59 years – my lifetime - we’ve seen the Cuban Missile Crisis, JFK assassinated, the beginning of Medicare and other social programs, Civil Rights, Mao’s Cultural Revolution – where between 500,000 to 2,000,000 people were killed for not agreeing with the “party line”. Israel’s Six-Day War, MLK ...