On my day planner I have a standard entry entitled “general house”. This stands for making my bed, picking up and putting away assorted items left lying around, managing any laundry, cleaning the kitchen, making sure the floors aren’t littered with debris and dog hair and collecting garbage. This morning while performing these mundane tasks I was grumbling – “Why does no one else pick up?”; “How does the floor get this dirty?”; “You’d think with all the cooking others do they could wash a dish!”; “What happened to all the towels?!”; That’s the problem with mundane tasks – your mind can think on other things while you do them. On a positive note, my three adult sons, who still live here, all make their beds – that’s success, right? I must have got that message across. I’m a firm believer in making the bed – I heard it said once if your bed is made your room is 80% clean and you have accomplished something early in the day to set the tone for the rest of it. This is a similar th...